2016年3月22日 星期二

拯救混合收入的紐約 Saving a Mixed-Income New York

The New York Times
Could it be that the fate of New York City is being decided right now? Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks so.
At a rally on Wednesday, he told retirees and union members: “With your help, people are going to look back on these days in March of 2016, and they’re going to say that’s when an affordable city was saved. That’s when we stopped this city from going over the brink.”
The brink he means is the gaping divide between rents and incomes that many fear is splitting the city into two encampments: the rich and the homeless. Mr. de Blasio’s solution — a 10-year plan to build or preserve 200,000 affordable apartments — is facing a critical test this month. The City Council is nearing a vote on a proposal to rezone nearly 200 blocks of East New York, Brooklyn, allowing developers to put up taller buildings there on the condition that they also build thousands of new affordable apartments. It would be the first of 15 rezoningscitywide that the administration hopes will increase the housing supply enough to ease the pressure on rents.
This grand plan is a hugely important gamble that the city can build its way to greater housing equality, that it can ignite growth, improve neighborhoods, tame gentrification and protect tenants, all at once. That New York can still be a mixed-income city.
The challenge of keeping the city’s balance exposes the mixed blessing of prosperity. Two recent articles in The Times report the good news: The business world is unexpectedly happy with the mayor, and tourists arechoking the streets. The streets are as safe as ever, and unexpected amenities keep coming, like blazing-fast public Wi-Fi kiosks. The last two years, in fact, have been terrible for the urban-chaos conspiracists, who predicted the de Blasio mayoralty would be an era of crime and dystopia.
The persistence of poverty and homelessness amid the wealth can only feed the anxiety of those who fear that the center cannot hold. Mr. de Blasio has critics on the left who say the real estate engine he vows to harness will instead run amok and make neglected neighborhoods like East New York too expensive for the poor and the elderly. They say that without big changes, like setting aside a far greater share of new apartments for people on the lowest income rungs, Mr. de Blasio is sealing the doom of the black, Latino and immigrant city.
社會運動人士Bertha Lewis赤裸裸地控訴白思豪市長,讓紐約市更白人化。紐約東區社區管理委員會,對新計畫有疑慮,所以在十一月拒絕白思豪市長的計畫,布魯克林區區長過去也這麼做。
The activist Bertha Lewis has starkly accused the mayor of furthering the“whitening” of the city. Worries about displacement led the East New York community board to reject the mayor’s plan in November, as did the Brooklyn borough president.
雖然,紐約市執政當局說審計長Stringer讓社會住宅計畫倒退,但事實上這些開發地區會自然而然地中產階級化,因此,紐約市的審計長Scott Stringer,去年警告土地重劃區的使用計畫,將讓住在紐約東區的5萬人,有被替換掉的危險。白思豪市長對此現象的攻擊是壓制它最好的方式。
The city comptroller, Scott Stringer, warned last year that the rezoning plan would put 50,000 people at risk of displacement in East New York, though the administration said Mr. Stringer had it backward — that gentrification was happening on its own, and that the de Blasio attack was the best way to subdue it.
The East New York proposal has easily cleared the City Planning Commission and is headed to the Council for a vote. Mr. de Blasio is right to argue that doing nothing, surfing these good times without a plan for housing the poor and working class, is unacceptable. “We know that for too many years people were pushed out of their neighborhoods, and the city government didn’t do anything about it,” he said at this week’s rally. “It’s time for the public’s interest to come first.”
That’s a powerful argument, and it’s the main reason the City Council should treat Mr. de Blasio’s plan seriously. The plan should be adjusted where necessary — but the city should stick with the essential strategy of enlarging the permanently affordable cityscape by combining rezoning with tenant protections and community improvements. The mayor has tried hard to build a consensus that New York’s livability can be salvaged before it’s too late. It’s a battle that needs to be fought.

