2016年4月12日 星期二

煤礦大亨什麼都不做 The Undoing of a Coal Baron

The New York Times
阿帕拉契礦坑,關於煤礦開採的新聞很少:六年前西維吉尼亞的上大支礦場爆炸,造成29名礦工死亡,違反聯邦礦山安全法,主其事的Masses能源公司的前執行長Donald Blankenship,星期三因此被判徒刑一年。這個判決最重要的觀念是,煤礦產業的大企業煤礦大王』的判例,為社會帶來公正,煤礦公司負責人入獄,能夠震撼礦區的人;長久以來,礦工抱怨他們面臨危險與非法的工作條件,業者卻都沒有懲罰。
It was the rarest of news in the coal mining hollows of Appalachia: A once powerful executive, Donald Blankenship, was sentenced Wednesday to a year in prison for conspiring to violate federal mine safety laws at the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia, where 29 workers died in an explosion six years ago. The very idea that a dominant baron of the industry called King Coal could be brought to justice and put behind bars shook the region, where miners have long complained that they face dangerous and illegal working conditions that routinely result in no punishment.
Blankenship先生是Masses能源公司的前執行長,起訴書沒有指控Blankenship先生引起礦坑爆炸,但是他的管理模式,只重視利潤,因此惡名昭彰,這一點在災後調查報告中已經指出,這使得出聯邦法院產生一個信念,必須判他輕罪,查爾斯頓法院在十二月判決就是如此。當Blankenship尋求緩刑,維持判決無罪,法官Irene Berger判處最高刑期一年,附帶說明「你參與一個很危險的陰謀,將公司的利益放在你勞工的安全之上。」
Mr. Blankenship, who served as chief executive of the Massey Energy Company, was not accused of causing the explosion, but his management methods, so notoriously focused on profitability, came under investigation after the disaster and led to his federal conviction on a misdemeanor charge in December in a Charleston courthouse. While Mr. Blankenship sought probation and maintained his innocence at sentencing, Judge Irene Berger delivered the maximum one-year sentence, citing “your part in a dangerous conspiracy” aimed at “putting profitability of the company ahead of the safety of your employees.”
The mine disaster, America’s worst in modern times, was traced to flammable coal dust and gas that accumulated despite workers’ complaints to management. The mine’s history of thousands of violations was laid bare by investigators, with Mr. Blankenship maintaining that health and safety were uppermost concerns at the mine. Autopsies on the 29 victims told a different story of a hard work routine, with 71 percent showing signs of the incurable coal dust affliction called black lung — far above the industry average of 3.2 percent.
檢察官起訴的罪名包括詐欺安全性與發佈錯誤的聲明,這能夠讓前執行長坐牢數十年,但是對於檢察官的重罪起訴,法院判礦業公司主管無罪釋放。許多低階的管理者被以重罪起訴,是因為他們掩蓋危險的情況。 在災難過後,立刻出現各種關於制定更嚴格的聯邦採礦法規與安全刑罰的建議,包括提高共謀違規的刑罰為重罪,讓犯罪者必須服更長的刑期。 但是,這些建議在共和黨主導的國會消失殆盡,加劇上大支礦場的悲劇。
The mining executive was acquitted on felony charges, which involved accusations of securities fraud and making false statements and could have brought him decades in prison. Several of his lower-ranking supervisors were convicted earlier on felony charges for covering up hazardous conditions. Immediately after the disaster, there were assorted proposals for tougher federal mine and safety penalties, including upgrading the conspiracy violation to a felony with a longer sentence. But these have gone nowhere in the Republican Congress, compounding the tragedy of Upper Big Branch.
Mr. Blankenship was a hard-driving executive who demanded productivity reports every 30 minutes. He retired after the explosion with a $12 million golden parachute. “This game is about money,” he was heard emphasizing in one recorded comment uncovered in the investigation.
Judge Berger reminded the convicted coal baron that there was more than money at stake: “You, Mr. Blankenship, created a culture of noncompliance at Upper Big Branch where your subordinates accepted and, in fact, encouraged unsafe working conditions in order to reach profitability and production targets.”

